
Thursday, January 25, 2007


Exodus 20:7 "You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
When the tail end of Hurricane Gordon reached the shores of the British Isles it disrupted the preparations for the Ryder Cup and caused a damp patch to appear in our roof.... We wouldn't have noticed except that Brian, our builder (why do people say it like that? It makes him sound like we keep him in the cupboard under the stairs along with Ron our electrician, John our odd jobs boy and Harry Potter....) who is converting our attic into an office space for us noticed some dampness around the chimney stack.
I was a little disappointed. As a house warming present Mum and Dad had paid for the roof to be retiled in March so we weren't expecting to deal with leaks for another 60 years. So we called the builders, a local firm of some repute yesterday morning and they promised to send a man round, especially after I told them that we were having other work done.
Now if you're like me you expect that to mean "We'll send someone round, but only after you've called us up every hour on the hour during business hours for a week, and also left messages on all our voice mails, and we're only coming round now because it is quicker and more convenient than getting a restraining order from the Courts to stop you from sitting on our front door. Oh, and please can we have our bunny back, preferably not boiled...."
But two guys in a company van came round this morning, took a look at the patch, scrambled up their ladders, did some cleaning, reapplied some sealant, and then left. Job Done. And now Brian is back upstairs plastering the loft space....
It speaks a lot about the value of reputation, because the roofers obviously value the word of mouth that can spread. It won't matter about flashy brochures, professional websites, and eye catching publicity if the product and workmanship aren't as required. A reputable firm is jealous about its reputation.
I wonder how much we are jealous of the reputation of God, the loving, compassionate, strong, mighty caring God, as expressed through the workmanship of the Church? I wonder how God is seen amongst the people we work with, socialise with, and witness to. I wonder what the word of the mouth around the town about God is?


  • Reading this verse made me think about how we contribute to God's reputation before others. We think a lot about how we should talk about God but this made me think about times when we should not. It normally makes me think of not 'using God's name in vain' which to me reminds me not to use any of His names as swear words.

    But today it made me think we need to be really careful about either using the Almighty God of heaven's name carelessly and lightly or of claiming things to be down to Him which we don't know for sure are. For example saying we know what God is saying either generally or in our own lives if we are not sure.

    It's exactly because I think we do hear from God (rather than because I'm trying to claim we don't) that I think this is important. I'm not saying we can't make genuine mistakes either - God is bigger than that, we aren't perfect and He is a God of grace, but it just made me think what a priviledge it is to speak for Him in this world (verbally and through our actions) and that we need to pray for His strength to live up to that and desire to be ever closer to Him so that when we use His name, we are pretty sure we are doing that honourably!

    By Blogger Louise, at 9:54 am  

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